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The Nomads Outdoors Group Inc.

New Years Day Picnic - Maranoa Gardens, Balwyn

Fri, 1 Jan 2021
12:00 - 17:00

Raise a beverage to farewell the "Annus Horribilis" that was 2020 and celebrate the start of a, hopefully, fantastic 2021 with your Nomads friends. Travel via public transport is possible.

GRADE | LENGTH | TYPE: Easy, social event with self guided walks around the gardens and associated Beckett Park. 

Maranoa Gardens is considered to be one of the most thoroughly curated public dedications to Australian native flora in Victoria. Started by John Watson who in 1901 purchased 1.42 hectares to plant Australian and  New Zealand native trees and shrubs. Watson's Maranoa Gardens differed from other 20th century garden designs which were instead modelled after European trends.

In 1922 the gardens were obtained by the former City of Camberwell and by 1926, Maranoa Gardens opened to the public. By 1962, Maranoa Gardens had doubled in size when it was twinned with the adjacent Beckett Park; the latter being an important revegetation site for indigenous species where visitors can walk through patches of grassy woodlands similar to those that existed more than 100 years ago. Maranoa Gardens is divided into various zones which take into consideration soil type, irrigation, geology and climate preferences. The seven zones include the cottage garden, rainforest, arid zone, arboretum and the Indigenous display.

BOOKING: By Wednesay 30th December. To register, click on Get Tickets.

FURTHER INFORMATIONboroondara.vic.gov.au/recreation-arts/parks-and-gardens/beckett-park and boroondara.vic.gov.au/recreation-arts/parks-and-gardens/maranoa-botanic-gardens.


MEETING TIME | LOCATION: From 12 noon in the main lawn area within Maranoa Gardens. Enter via Parring Road (main entrance) or directly into Maranoa section off Kireep Rd, Balwyn. NOTE: Maranoa Gardens close at 5 pm and Beckett Park at sunset. 

MAP REFERENCE: Melway map 46 grid F7 | Google map goo.gl/maps/1pESMtyY8VmfzFCK8 

DISTANCE | TIME FROM GPO: 17 km, approximately 30 minutes to drive, 50 minutes by public transport. Parking is available inside the combined parks via Parring Rd plus on-street parking in either Parring or Kireep Roads.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Tram 109 (Collins Street) to stop #50 (Wharton Street). 

FOOD: BYO picnic supplies and beverages. Recommend you bring either a rug or chair to sit on. Water and toilets are in situ.

APPAREL | FOOTWEAR: Comfortable walking shoes and dress according to the weather forecast PLUS sunscreen.

LEADER: Garry Oliver. | Email the Leader if you have any questions. Members can access leader contact details under Members | Leader Contacts when logged in to the website.



Ticket Type Price
Member free ticket This is a free ticket. Only one per member. The ticket is not transferable. You must be a financial member on the date of the event. If you want to take a visitor, you must purchase a Visitor ticket in addition to your Free ticket (you will be asked to provide contact details for the visitor).
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$0.00 Sale Ended
Visitor free tickets This ticket indicates your intention to attend. You will be asked to provide contact details (essential should COVID-19 contact tracing be needed). $0.00 Sale Ended
Maranoa Botanic Gardens
Yarrbat Ave, Balwyn VIC 3103, Australia

PO Box 56, Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, 8009, Australia